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Chapter 4 Reference

A reference Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP). (n.d.). Open AR Cloud.

  • https://www.openarcloud.org/oscp
  • Summary: The OSCP is a certification program for service providers in the augmented reality (AR) industry. It sets standards and guidelines for AR service providers to ensure quality, interoperability, and ethical practices.

AWE. (2022, June 21). Cross-Platform XR Development Using Open Standards: An OpenXR Tutorial & Use Case. YouTube.

  • https://youtu.be/ctXGa-4SXZA

Boland, M. (2023, April 28). USA 2023, Santa Clara, California. AWE USA 2023, Santa Clara, California.

  • https://awexr.com/blog/703-awe-talks-under-the-hood-with-openxr
  • Summary: This article features an AWE (Augmented World Expo) Talk that delves into the technical aspects of OpenXR, a standard framework for building cross-platform XR (Extended Reality) applications. The talk provides insights into the underlying architecture and functionality of OpenXR, highlighting its ability to unify and streamline development across various XR devices and platforms. The article discusses key topics covered in the talk, such as the benefits of OpenXR for developers, its support for different hardware configurations, and its potential to drive interoperability and innovation in the XR industry.

Dziemianowicz, J. (2021, December 3). NFT Platform to Digitally Divide Banksy Artwork Into 10000 NFTs to Sell at Auction. Barron's.

  • https://www.barrons.com/articles/nft-platform-to-digitally-divide-banksy-artwork-into-10-000-nfts-to-sell-at-auction-01638545731
  • Summary: This article discusses Particle’s plan to digitally divide a Banksy artwork into 10,000 NFTs (digital assets) and sell them through an auction. It explains that this approach aims to democratize ownership of the artwork by allowing a larger number of individuals to own a part of it digitally. The article highlights the growing popularity of NFTs in the art world and mentions the controversy surrounding Banksy's stance on the digital art market. It also touches upon the potential financial implications and risks associated with investing in NFTs.

Impact Immersive. (2023, May). Concrete Oasis MVP phase of The #XR Prize Challenge: Fight Climate Change. LinkedIn.

  • https://www.linkedin.com/posts/impactimmersive_one-million-water-guardians-sheparding-us-activity-7057398205700849664-x5Oc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

FAQs — openarcloud. (n.d.). Open AR Cloud. Retrieved June 1, 2023, from

  • https://www.openarcloud.org/faq
  • Summary: The OpenAR Cloud is an initiative that aims to create an open and interoperable infrastructure for augmented reality (AR) experiences. It addresses topics like data privacy, developer access, content creation, and the collaborative nature of the project. The FAQ serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking information about the OpenAR Cloud initiative.

Li, J. (2021, December 6). Banksy's 'Love Is in the Air' Set To Be Sold as 10000 Separate NFTs. Hypebeast.

  • https://hypebeast.com/2021/12/banksy-love-is-in-the-air-10k-nfts-info


  • https://www.awexr.com/blog/434-how-the-open-ar-cloud-enables-the-metaverse
  • Summary: The article discusses the concept of the metaverse, a virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) space where users can interact with digital environments and other users in a shared virtual world. It explores how the Open AR Cloud (OARC) initiative plays a crucial role in enabling the development of the metaverse. The article explains that the OARC focuses on creating an interoperable and decentralized infrastructure for AR and VR content, data, and experiences.
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